Next in the spotlight we have Salty Kiss by Magic Rock Brewery. According to the can the beer is light sour and refreshing.
Magic Rock Brewery is based in Huddersfield, started by two brothers Richard and Jonny Burhouse and their head brewer Stuart Ross. Named the second best brewery in the world by rate beer, they produce a range of, in their own words, ‘exciting characterful beers’.
I was therefore looking forward to trying Salty Kiss. It is certainly exciting and characterful and I am happy to say it didn’t disappoint. Salty Kiss is a gose style beer. Gose is a german beer characterised by the use of malted wheat in the grain bill and a salty sour taste in the final product.
If you prefer you more traditional British beers this is perhaps not one for you but I found this beer to be a real refreshing treat. The ingredients list sea buckthorn, gooseberry and salt and the beer certainly has an interesting fruity tartness balanced out by a nice salty hit.
At 4.1% ABV the beer was just the right strength for a nice evening drink. Hopped with cascade I think most of the flavour here comes from the other additions; the hops adding a nice bitter balance.
All in all Salty kiss is another beer I would recommend, especially if you are looking for something a bit different. This one even passed the non beer drinkers test, (my girlfriend liked it) so perhaps one to look out for in order to ease the beer phobic in your life into the wonderful world of beer.